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Broadband LTE

LTE Devices

From the global leader in public safety broadband comes a portfolio of hardened LTE devices, optimized for first responders.

Officers everywhere are depending on the rich flow of intelligence that a mobile broadband connection can deliver. Offender records. Crime statistics. Video feeds. Real-time collaboration tools.

And when you depend on a device, you need a device that’s dependable. One that’s built for the realities of first responders. Tough enough to survive. Loud enough to be useful. Smart enough to be simple to use.

Critical Connect

One link to Critical Connect connects your ASTRO 25 system with other LMR networks, broadband PTT services, and control room applications. And, Critical Connect separates itself from traditional solutions by enhancing interoperable communication with features such as private calling, automatic roaming, grouping/regrouping, and end-to-end LMR encryption.

WAVE PTX for Public Safety

WAVE PTX for public safety provides carrier-independent broadband PTT service and an extensive set of MCPTT-based features to keep State and Local Governments and other mission-essential users connected, informed, and safe.

KODIAK Mission Critical PTT

Lead the evolution to mission-critical communications over LTE — discover how Motorola Solutions is driving development of the MCPTT Standard to meet the unique needs of Public Safety.

Our Kodiak Broadband PTT platform sets the standard for instantaneous 1-to-many and 1-to-1 communications over LTE and Wi-Fi networks.

Georgia Public Safety Two-Way Radio Experts

Augusta Communications is the leading locally-owned Motorola Solutions Channel Partner in Georgia. We have been serving Augusta and Eastern Georgia since 1991.