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Personnel Accountability

Personnel Accountability

APX Personnel Accountability Application

Improve safety and incident command decision-making

Whether it be the threat of a raging fire, coordinating a stakeout, or handling the complexity of a multiagency response, incident command needs to know who is on-scene, what they are doing, how long they’ve been working, and if they are okay.

In the midst of an incident, commanders are flooded with information from multiple sources, distractions and tasks – all of which can impact decision-making. Responders can become lost, injured, in distress or worse. That’s why personnel accountability systems are one of the most important safety measures during an incident.

During an emergency situation, personnel accountability solutions can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved – particularly for first responders grappling with stress, overexertion, trauma or the potential for being asphyxiated, caught or trapped.


At a glance, get a clear picture
Partnering with Systems Definition, Inc., an innovative developer of fireground accountability applications, we developed a streamlined user interface that integrates multiple tasks. Now, incident commanders can more easily identify who has responded to the incident, conduct roll-calls and even issue an evacuation notification from the convenience of one user-friendly screen.

Quicker and easier PAR checks
Simply open the Tactical Alert window from the laptop used by incident command to initiate a Personnel Accountability Report, or PAR check. Each responder acknowledges the incident commander’s request for a PAR check by simply pressing the PTT button on their APX radios. Incident command receives confirmation of who has acknowledged the PAR check and a count of those yet to respond. As a result, they not only have better accountability of personnel, but the solution significantly reduces the amount of time it takes to conduct the PAR check and cuts down on radio traffic.

Make sure your alerts are heard
The customizable Tactical Alert messaging feature allows an incident commander to instantly send an alert to every responder on the fireground channel simultaneously. These alerts initiate visual and audible notifications on the responder radio. Sixteen different alerts are available for customization and these alerts can be sent to the entire group of responders, a select group of responders, or just to a single responder.

Know who’s in trouble
The optional automatic Man Down alert on the APX radios adds another valuable level of safety. The on-board accelerometer in the radio monitors an individual’s movement and orientation. If a responder is motionless and in a horizontal position for a predetermined amount of time, the radio will automatically transmit an emergency alert, notifying incident command that the responder is potentially in distress.


Instant Accountability
As soon as a responder turns their radio to a designated channel or talkgroup, they’re accounted for.

Personal Identification
Know exactly who is carrying the radio by integrating with a rostering app or through the EasyStaff® website.

Transmit Identification
See exactly who’s talking on the Accountability client screen every time they transmit.

Immediate Mayday Indication
Instantly identify on the Accountability client if a responder activates their Mayday button.

Send a Tactical Alert
Immediately send a customizable Tactical Alert message to all responders or individuals on scene.

Tactical Alert Acknowledgements
Each responder hits a button on their radio to instantly acknowledge that they received the Alert from command.

Battery Level
Monitor the amount of battery power left in each responder’s radio before they lose connection.

Unit Assignments
Use the Accountability client to record the assignments given to each unit as they arrive.

Change Channel Indication
Know if a responder changed to a different channel or talkgroup.

Power Down Indication
Identify if a responder turned their radio off while at the incident.

Poll Radio
Ping’ a responder’s radio to make sure it is still in range and on the proper channel or talkgroup.

Change Talkgroup/Dynamic Regrouping
Incident Commanders can bump a responder’s radio to the proper talkgroup without the responder’s involvement.

Georgia Public Safety Two-Way Radio Experts

Augusta Communications is the leading locally-owned Motorola Solutions Channel Partner in Georgia. We have been serving Augusta and Eastern Georgia since 1991.